Insider: P & T Hourigan Australian Adult Business Insight

Established in 2015, P & T Hourigan is a family owned Australian business, providing tailored Directory Listings to specific sectors of the Global Adult Industry.
P&T have established distinct websites for the Adult Industry to showcase, including:
International Brothel Showcase
Australian Erotic Massage Parlour Showcase
Australian Adult Classifieds
Adult Classified Australia & International
Australian Brothel Directory
These directory websites provide the adult industry including brothels, erotic massage parlours, escorts and adult clubs an opportunity to increase their brand awareness online.
At Sweet Release we had the pleasure of speaking to Phillip, founder of P&T to pick his brain on industry trends and tips for Start-up adult businesses looking for an edge!
SRA: How Did You Get Your Start In The Adult Industry With Your Own Business?
We found that most adult classified sites were foreign owned, like backpage, cracker, craigslist and the like. We needed our own adult classified sites in Australia which were owned and run right here in Australia by Australians that understand the adult industry unique to Australia and the laws that apply here.
So, we set up adult websites that showcase and advertise adult businesses and adult services in the global adult industry as we felt the need to offer a way for high class brothels and massage parlours to showcase online.
SRA: So, what attracted you to creating a business that is within the Adult Industry?
Prostitution has been around for donkeys ages and it isn't going away, not as long as the human race has the desire and urge for sexual relaxation and pleasure.
We all think about sex and even though the majority of men and women might like to deny the truth, men from all backgrounds have seen a prostitute ( sex worker ) in a brothel, booked an escort or had an erotic massage at least once in their lifetime.
Sex is a necessity for human beings, so because in Australia we have legalized prostitution in many states of Australia, it is considered a legitimate business, so we just provide online platforms for adult businesses and sex workers alike to advertise their services to the masses.
SRA: What advice do you have for new business owners or existing small businesses within the Adult Industry?
Advertise,advertise, advertise.
I cannot stress this enough.
If you don't make your business seen, then clients will be visiting those that do advertise.
Also, pay close attention to how you advertise and market your business. If you take pride in your business and make it clean and professional, it will be seen as a clean and respectable place to visit.
Also, make sure you get your business set up on Google My business. Set up social media pages for your business and push your business everyday so it is seen, with content.
SRA: Finally, where do you think the Adult Industry is heading into the near and distant future?
The sex industry is more liberated now days especially in Australia and widely accepted by many.
There is still a stigma attached to those working in the industry but this is most likely because some people don't seem to want to accept the fact that everyone has sex and love having sex and those in the industry are less inclined to pay attention to other peoples opinions these days.
So in a nutshell, I see the adult industry being much more accepted, (unless of course a major turn of events happens in the world)... Only time can tell.
At Sweet Release, we specialise in Adult Industry Marketing, Brand Design, E-Commerce, Digital and Social Media Strategy. Speak with an expert today, call 1300 50 88 12 or send an email .